martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

Work & Brazil - Intercultural management -

"Si são as mais grandes do mundo, tem que ser brasileiras" (if they are the biggest in the world, they must be Brazilian) said an advertisement of olives. Brazilians realized more than twenty years ago that Brazil is "big". Apart from being the fifth largest country in the world in total surface area and population, the country is ranked at the 25th position as an exporter and the 23rd as an importer world-wide. Its exports are mainly to China, Argentina and the Netherlands according to the "Central Intelligence Agency" in 2012. Its imports are in dollars slightly lower than exports.

Brazil is globally ranked 8th in "purchasing power" which makes it a major attraction for foreign companies and investors. Brazil borders with 10 countries and has 11 satellites. Among its international agreements on multilateral trade is the MERCOSUR.

Working with different cultures demands knowing certain specific points in its history, climate and geography to understand the behavior and thinking of the other.

Brazilians have a great respect for tradition and there is a large social pressure to keep them. Their objectives are measured more in the long run than in the short term. Brazilians also easily accept changes in work projects.

Paula Figueiredo
PM Intercultural Agent
Skype: intercultural-agent
Mail: info(at)intercultural-agent(dot)com

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