lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

How is "designed" the human? Intercultural Business Communication

Hofstede's pyramid shows how is divided the human's personality in the world.

The base is universal level. These are the feelings or physical needs that have all of us around the world and do not make a cultural difference. We all feel hunger, anger, hope, concern, and so no matter what country or culture we proceed. It is something inherited.

The next level is the cultural area. It differs according to the language, values, religion, perspectives of time and space, and so on. These are learned from our family, friends, social environment, teachers, etc..

Finally, there is the last step of innate personality which is inherited and learned what makes each human being a unique within their peer group with opinions, feelings and behaviors unique.

Paula Figueiredo
PM Intercultural Agent

www.intercultural - / pm.interculturalagent
Skype: intercultural-agent
Mail : info @ intercultural-agent. com

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