viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

What are the cultural dimensions? (Part III)

Today, we'll talk about another cultural dimension described by Hofstede, which is the one of uncertainty avoidance. 
We need to mention again that a dimension is measured in degrees or points and that it gives us information only when comparing cultures. 

Uncertainty avoidance is the degree of certainty with which a person performs a task and with which he or she will be more or less comfortable. If a society has a high degree of uncertainty avoidance, we face a group which prevents by all means to work in an environment where there are unmanageable elements. Thus, it has to make a big effort to avoid unsafe situations.

There are cultural groups who feel comfortable in situations where many unexpected things can happen, like the Chinese, for example. This is in contrast to other groups where uncertainty is an element that seriously threatens work and stability.

Paula Figueiredo

PM Intercultural Agent

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